August 1 Meet and Greet at C.C. O'Brien's Sports Cafe

Join us in supporting Salvatore Ritacco for Probate Judge of the Southeastern Connecticut Regional Probate District (Groton, Ledyard, North Stonington and Stonington). RSVP here on Facebook or by emailing

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As a probate court judge, one has the ability to effectively help everyone before them. It requires you, keep an open-door policy to the public and ensure that each family has a forum to discuss their case from the start. The job allows one to become a friend to the community and help those that may need assistance to navigate the probate process. It is my goal to be that friend.

I look forward to getting out there and talking to everyone I can. As many of you will learn, I do not give up. And my message is clear – I will be your friend in probate. I am sure I will have other candidates competing in the future, but in the end, this is a passion of mine and my practice will be taking a backseat for the ride. I am 100% committed to this race and I hope you will support me for this campaign and any future campaigns. With that said, I am going to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to go forward. With your help we can win this race.


- Salvatore Ritacco